WordPress: When You Mean Business

Recently I to talked to businesspeople who have concerns about using WordPress for business. They hear that it’s a DIY thing and they figure that it’s really intended for bloggers who just want to share pictures of their kids and cats. Or they worry that they won’t be able to do what they want with it.

WordPress is a CMS, a content management system. Anything you can do on a website, you can do on a WordPress website. WordPress allows you or your web firm to make quick, economical changes with your content without disturbing your design. The open source repository of plugins — pieces of software you can plug into your site — also allow you to have functionality that would be very expensive and time consuming if you had to have it built.

Those two facts add up to one simple fact about WordPress for business: a WordPress site can be a nimble website that does more than you’d expect for the price.

Slide: http://www.hadeninteractive.com/wordpress-when-you-mean-business/